Using porn films to rob clients
A GROUP of transsexual sex workers in Chow Kit are using pornographic films to distract clients before robbing them, reported Harian Metro.Members of the group would seduce the victim while another sex worker would try to steal belongings like wallets and handphones.
In a recent incident, a client known as Ping said he was asked to lie on the bed before choosing a free DVD pornographic movie to watch as a “warm-up”.
“The sex worker told me to take off my pants. It was then placed on a chair nearby,” said the 33-year-old chef.
Ping declined to elaborate on what happened next, but said he reached for his pants only to find that his handphone was missing from the pocket when he heard loud noises that sounded like a fight outside the room.
“I was even more surprised to find that my wallet, which was originally in my pocket, was moved to the top of the television set. Some RM400 was also gone,” he said.
After Ping repeatedly demanded the sex worker to return his valuables, she finally agreed to give them back, claiming that her friend had stolen them.
Source: Thestar
So guys if you go to chowkit finding transexual or girls to have the XXX do becareful they will dig your pocket and steal everything you have including your manhood so be careful. The best is don’t go find them be loyal to your wife or girlfriend after marriage is the best way to prevent this.
1 Lovely Comment:
lol, all sorts of methods r coimng out nowadays.
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