Saturday, February 20, 2010

The FACT of SEMEN! You will be Frightened When You See it!


11 Lovely Comment:

Ken Wooi said...

lol interesting.. =)

Cyren Asteraceya said...

Oooh interesting...

*picks up an Orange, Banana and Apple to start eating*

123434325 said...

Cyren@ Lol you try already! Then you tell it is working or not!

Tony Wan said...

LOL! I like these facts!

excalade89 said...

Mind map concept somemore. ahhahha....

Anonymous said...

lolz...interesting facts...
please visit my blog ya...

P/S : already nanged ur ads..hope u' ll do d same

Lady Rouge said...

nanged ;) the last fact is downright disgusting btw. And yes boys, eat more fruits!! XD

Aidi-Safuan said...

wahahahaha...all the facts above is the new knowledge for me!

123434325 said...

deval@ Haha Yea lol ! eat more fruit between!

Anonymous said...

oo.. =) Trying.. =))

Anonymous said...

Cool facts! (: