Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Movie Review Mars Need Moms



Take out the trash, eat your broccoli—who needs moms, anyway? Nine-year-old Milo (Seth Green) finds out just how much he needs his mom (Joan Cusack) when she’s nabbed by Martians who plan to steal her mom-ness for their own young. Produced by the team behind “Disney’s A Christmas Carol” and “The Polar Express,” “Mars Needs Moms” showcases Milo’s quest to save his mom—a wild adventure in Disney Digital 3D™ and IMAX® 3D that involves stowing away on a spaceship, navigating an elaborate, multi-level planet and taking on the alien nation and their leader (Mindy Sterling). With the help of a tech-savvy, underground earthman named Gribble (Dan Fogler) and a rebel Martian girl called Ki (Elisabeth Harnois), Milo just might find his way back to his mom—in more ways than one.


I can say that the movies is something new in the cartoon world. But some people after watching the movie will be touch because what your moms have done you will not appreciate until something unexpected happen than you will start to regret. Even in the movies there is Alien that can talk human language because she learn it during a spy thingy in space to the human. I can say that the storyline is not boring quite interesting and there is mix of a bit comedy here and there but talk more about there is more than the WORLD out there. I can say watching in 3D is not bad at all have colorful images flying here and there.

In the movies the story can be REAL because lately scientist have discover some weird form in meteor stones it say it is ALIEN! After watching this movies you will start to appreciate and love people that closes to you. I love that when the Alien excited to know human being and know more about their lifestyle and so on. I know I know I am bullshitting here and there too BAD!



4.5 out of 5 something new in cartoon industry and on the same time it is meaningful



I would recommend to people that love to watch movies like cartoon toy story and so on. Also people like to see movies that something different that we normally see in Television. Will not recommend to people that don’t like cartoon or people don’t believe about ALIEN!!!




When the mom say you don’t eat your VEGETABLES no TV for YOU! Actually it is BROCOLI


Than he feed to the cat! Love when his mom say it is poisonous and the kid answer so you are letting me to eat POISON and she say it is POISONUS to the cat not to you!!!


Sometimes you give bad comment about her, it really hurt her feeling even though you do not see it!!! To tell you the TRUTH it DOES REALLY REALLY HURT!!!


I love this part when he ask trying to explain to the ALIEN he is looking for his mom and any move that he done the ALIEN do it like mopping the floor and so on! They taught it was a DANCING LESSON!


This dude is the one that help him a lot in MARS! And love his dog robot so adorable and helpful should get one in the FUTURE!!!


This ALIEN help them a lot like really a lot!!! She is really understanding(even though she know ENGLISH) and learning and respect other CULTURES! Forget to say the FAT GUY fall in love to her!!!


I can say in the MOVIES I saw this IPHONE 5 PROTOTYPE ^^

2 Lovely Comment:

Nikel Khor said...

i like the iphone5 prototype much.. can take any photo in "cool" way..

123434325 said...

ya but i think they still don't have such technology yet! But it will come sooner than you expected!