Special about Today is that Kennysia Will be visiting KDU College to show how good is him in something that I am looking forward to the Open Day.

On top is the actual Open Day Activities that KDU offer but Nuffnang have been so good and given specially for Nuffnang Itinerary for Saturday, Dec 12, 2009.

On top are Nuffnang itinerary. A lot of activities to enjoy not only looking and sitting but hand on activities such as cooking and stuff.

On the way to KDU College saw this beautiful banner hanging outside. Reach quite early and did not see much people around.

A better View of the Campus =]

As you can see top and bottom is the Car Park of KDU College. Amount of Space are quite limited, the number of parking space is about 100 but i not really sure. Did not go to every floor and count how many car park they have.

After looking outside of KDU College, saw 2 Bus stop just at the corner. More convenient to wait for bus and taxi. The bus will be arriving is Rapidbus

Look From the Bottom

Look from the top!

The front of KDU College! When entering there is a front counter that will give you goodies. Will escort you to Room LHE where the activities will start.

On the way to the LHE room is located on the first floor and on the way I saw the auditorium by looking inside saw a lot of chair and table. I think it is for Exam purpose.

The Food stand that are located outside of the “LHE” Room. The picture is so blur is because i am feeling hungry until can’t take picture that clear. They served coffee,tea,curry puff,sandwich and many more.

At last and Finally arrived to “LHE” the room that light everybody up.

Waiting for lecture and KennySia to arrive to talk about the scholarship stuff and Life after School by Kennysia.

Before Kenny Arrive the lecture talk about:
- What is KDU College
- Owner or Founder of KDU College
- Understand T&C of the Scholarship
- Scholarships Terms
- Programme Offered
- Requirement of Pre-U
- Pathways to Degree
- Study Duration
- Cambridge Brilliance Award Winners
The lecture that is standing is the lecture will be explaining about the Pre-U Stuff. As you can see everybody is looking at the back to look at David the Star!

Love this Guy, help Kennysia to promote his blog by saying W-W-W-.-K-E-N-N-Y-S-I-A-.-C-O-M.

Then the One and Only KennySia Have arrive to speak about is Life after School by KennySia.

Then Kennysia starting talking about his past such as saying at first:
- Science in High School
- Study 2 Years in Engineering
- Then to Business
- Learn about Internet Marketing

- After that he open a GYM but before opening he make a lot of research this and that and when he confident of that then only he start the business.
What I learn from that Day is from KennySia is No matter what we do, how hard it is,how challenging it is, all we need is Passion that can drive us through to our goal and future ahead of us. So have Passion everything you do no matter where you go. The Word Passion I learn from KennySia. Credit to Him =]
PASSION will bring you beyond by
On the way to the Radio Workshop Saw the Pre-U Staff room, where the briefing of Pre-U happening at where Kennysia came in.

The Pre-U is the at the side of the radio station.

After that KennySia when to Radio Workshop and show how good is his DJ ing!
The Next Workshop that I am going is the “Law:Mock Trial Video”
After looking at the video is so interesting like wanted to be a lawyer. Did not take any picture because so into the video and did not move away of the screen. I found video of Mock Trial KDU College style. It is not the same but more or less like the scene i watch. Hope So lolz
Next is to Culinary Part. If you don’t know what is culinary is so easy FOOD FOOD FOOD!
On the way to the restaurant found 3 type of restaurant in KDU College not the cafetaria. I think is the restaurant and kitchen where people do their training at.

It say it is Windows of Damansara! Does it mean the windows they bought from Damansara?

Cafe 87! It look so colourful the restaurant. Cafe 87 Does it mean it was created at 87?
Before going to the final restaurant will show you picture of the cafetaria!

This is the View of the Cafetaria!

Finally we arrive to Connexion the one with light in it. There is where everything thing start to happen. There are 2 activities happening is in the restaurant and in the kitchen.
In the Restaurant:

This is the lecture of the day teaching people how to do flambe! So interesting when looking at it with alcohol and fire and stuff. So remember if you take a course for cooking you can learn how to play fire!
In the Kitchen:
There are few chef cooking and showing their skill how good is him. Sorry no her for that day. On that day they 2 chef making 2 different kind of stuff. The first chef make something white, with something chilli and a green leaf don’t really know what it is lol just watch only.
The second chef make 3 type of dishes is:
1) Caesar Salad
Look like! haha Got Cabbage,Egg and with mayonnaise i think.
2) Bread Sandwich
Look like sandwich and the design look so promising like want to eat it.
3) Potato with weird stuff around
Potato are the main stuff with green and purple stuff i think is onion
After that! Have nothing to do. Walk around the campus and found a lot of interesting stuff.

This is the Bookstore! You can find Books in there!

Was fishing around and found the Computer Centre! By looking inside by standing at the door, found Printing machine and a lot of computer. Obviously there is Computer!

So sad the Library is Closed! But you can see it is a library where you can study and find books to lend here.

This stand or room or whatever it called is closed by at the library by looking inside it is like to put stuff in it. No idea what is inside lolz!
That is the END of my Tour around KDU College. Wait Don’t Go Just visited KDU Website wanted to share some interesting stuff.

As you can see there are 6 different type of course. Love the Cooking stuff with alcohol and fire stuff.
- Engineering
- Law
- Hospitality Tourism and Culinary
- Business
- Information Technology
- Pre-University

Heard during the briefing and want to check it out on their website that Business and Law school will be moving to a new campus. Surely it will look extraordinary. New Environment, Everything New including the toilet bowl and stuff.
For more information you can visit my BLOG or Visit KDU official website at http://www.kdu.edu.my/
Finally Before I end Will say on behalf of KDU college because taken the picture from KDU website

A Merry Merry Merry Merry Merry Merry Merry Merry Merry Merry Merry Merry Merry Merry Merry Merry Merry Merry Merry Merry Merry Merry Merry Merry Merry Merry Merry Merry Merry Merry Merry Merry Merry Merry Merry Merry Merry Merry Merry Merry Merry Merry Merry Merry
Christmas and A
Happy New Year.
If you all just miss the Open Day at 12 and 13 Dec 2009. Don’t Worry there are still opportunity. On 19 to 20 Dec is the info day of KDU. Do come and Visit to know more details about your future and what to study.
For more Details Do Visit: http://www.kdu.edu.my/

2 Lovely Comment:
a very nice review!
good luck~
Good Luck To You Too =]
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