That is the meaning of L O V E!!! Do you know Valentine Day fall on 14 February if not I think it is time for you to find a partner as soon as possible before your heart is cover by dust. Some people when they are hurt once they want to stay single because they are worry that they would get hurt again, that is life you never try you will never know. Because every second you are getting old there is no too late for anything to start now.

IF you delay it will never END!!!! Like tomorrow lah than the next day Tomorrow lah than you are growing hair everywhere already now!!! Remember to see all the picture below I bet that you will get touch and first thing first don’t drop tears at my blog "Just Joking*
Are you touch now? So sent to your love one even you are not together or not just send to them because a small tiny effort does make a big different to someone because sometimes you can change someone mind by doing that. People even get a BF or GF through Facebook and someone of them even get to know someone through taking orange from a lake <<< forget what chinese say already normally take orange write your HP and name so who is the lucky one get your orange you will get a call something like a blind date.
I am getting girly again should stop now before it is too late ^^
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