Can you believe Mark Zuckerberg his own Facebook Page have been hacked by people on Wednesday if I am not wrong would be on the end of 2010! Just imagine Facebook CEO Mark page have been hacked and just imagine how about our page have been hacked instead. Obviously our Facebook page risk would be higher and more vulnerable than Mark Zuckerberg page.
So you all should remember this that what you share or put on Facebook you are putting your life on risk and sharing too much personal information is also not a good thing. It is still not too late to do something about it start changing your privacy setting and remove friends that you don’t know you will never know what is that person intend to do to you or what they want to steal from you.
Anyway back to Mark Zuckerberg story! His fan page as you can see the link > is down on the same day for a few hours and was up on the same day because of the hacker put a comment on Mark Zuckerberg on his status update. You would obviously want to know what the person wrote because in short period of time it have attracted more than thousand of likes and more than hundreds of comment. The comment is something like this
“Let the hacking begin: If facebook needs money, instead of going to the banks, why doesn’t Facebook let its users invest in Facebook in a social way? Why not transform Facebook into a ‘social business’ the way Nobel Price (sic) winner Muhammad Yunus described it? What do you think? #hackercup2011”
By looking the hacker comment Facebook can’t make money whatsoever, even the rumor spreading around saying Facebook can make money is actually fake and can be confirm from the hacker and newspaper source from Malaysia. According to the hacker Facebook have potential to make a lot of money but they are making money alone.
Obviously a lot of people have read it is because Mark Zuckerberg page alone have about 2.8 million people subscribe on his page. Can you believe that on the same day Mark Zuckerberg Fan Page was hacked it announce that they want to improve their security on their site <<< that is why when the person taste their own medicine than only they know how it feel!!! << it is how we feel for so long>>> such as their site would be connected on via https in a secure connection to prevent or reduce hacker from hacking. They would be adding a new type of captcha when you want to retrieve your password or they can detect any suspicious activity happening. They would be introducing a new type of captcha that would be using your friend instead.
It would have one of your friend pictures and you will need to tell the person of the picture by their ID. It would be easy if your account that you added your friend is your friend than fake friend that you added for your games whatsoever or hot guys *maybe* than you are in big TROUBLE later on!

According to expert say that how the hacker can hack the creator of Facebook! Even the expert say that it can’t explain how Mark Zuckerberg page can be hacked but the possibility would be in Mark computer have virus or malware that have taken his username and password. According to source say that it is quite embarrassing that the creator of Facebook have been hacked it will be even worst for other user out there. So just hope Facebook will improve their security so that risk can be minimize!
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