See her old look! She look quite nice in it right than her new hairstyle the shot edition. But I think majority of people say that they like her hair longer look more genuine and innocent look of her. She raise to fame because was acting in Harry Potter when she was a small kid. When she grow older and older more and more people interested of her because she look more attractive when times come even actor and actress that is acting with her say so.
Look at them they look so different now because they grow older already by now. I have seen a lot of pictures is that Emma Watson is taller than Radcliffe but who cares right he is freaking rich by now.I am talking out of topic better talk back what I really want to talk about.
It is like this a man was arrested in the cinema when the movie screening of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows because caught red handed masturbating in the cinema and I know why and if you have watched the movie in the cinema you would know by then. If you don’t know I will reveal to you now it is because there is a scene when Emma and Radcliffe having a topless kiss with each other. OMG her VIRGINITY IS GOONNNE for good Daniel have saw her naked.
But lucky that when they both kissing Emma feel it is awkward and now I have a chance at least. The person that was caught is Alexander Ofner and it is one of the resident that is staying at South Carolina. Alexander was in Sea Turtle Cinemas and was watching in the afternoon and when the movie was showing halfway police got a call that a person was masturbating in the cinema. After getting the call the police arrived to the cinema as soon as possible to see what happen.
Than when the police arrive they went into the projection room to see who is the person that is actually masturbating in the cinema. Actually the person saw the scene when Emma Watson is topless and kissing it is when the guy was masturbating like mad. I know I know he can’t resist how hot is Emma even in topless the guy can’t stand it anymore and need to play with his balls.
Sadly the police arrest him and put him into the jail for good doing something that he shouldn’t in public oh my god there is internet you can watch porn at home and do it instead he did in public instead with the girl I admire EMMA WATSON. I can say that I have not watched yet the Deathly Hallow Part 1 after hearing this I would love to watch the movie anytime soon. So make sure that when you are watching the movie don’t masturbate will watching you can be caught and thrown into JAIL!
This is how she look now! Look ugly and do not have the spark like her older hairstyle!!!! She need to change back to her old hairstyle than she will look more attractive! Try comparing with both of the pic it look like it is a different person. Told ya most of the girl with long hair look nicer and trying find my post Short Hair vs Long Hair about 80 % say long hair is better.
So if you have a short hair make it long as soon as possible! But sometimes it depend!
5 Lovely Comment:
But in my opinion she looks hotter in the pixie crop than the long hair..
Well beauty is in the eyes of the beholder..
she was not bad... wankable :P
I beg to differ, i think she looks awesome with the short hair~! And im sure im not the only one.. so u cant be sure what's the majority opinion~
Totally agree with you all! It depend on people taste ^^
like her in long hair better... and ewww to the guy...he should book the whole cinema to himself then he can do what he want
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