I have been receiving a lot of email that saying my MayBank got blah blah and need to verify and please click here. I do not know how they get my email address but maybe some company is selling our email to people that is BBAAAADDD! I can say that this type of email have been circulating around a lot but people are still falling the same trap over and over again.
Because when you put your Transaction Authorization Code(TAC) it allowed the person to log into your account without any problem or confirming because the code allowed them to enter to account without restriction and they can do whatever they want to the account surely doing something related to money.
Before you start reading hope you can understand because a bit messy
1) Email I received
Very Very Fishy
2) Log into Maybank2
So I log in with my
Username: F**KYOU
Password: F**KYOU
but they know that password cannot be less than 8 character! So I change my password to
Password: F**KYOUTWICE
Than they say my password is not valid must have mixture of alphabets and numbers so don’t have a choice I need to change my password AGAIN! My new password is:
Password: F**KYOUTWIC2
Than a new page pop out!
Email address: f**kyoutwice@hotmail.com
Your ID : 999999-99-9999
Confirm Password: F**KYOUTWIC2
Phone Number : 999
Than I type my TAC code = 123456
Than I press continue this and this pop out! You just judge I will not receive another message and it might take 24 hours by then my account $$ is gone forever and it said do not log into your account until receive confirmation email even it receive it will be fake I think it will take century before you receive the confirmation
Than when I press log out this message pop out!
Let me point out where you can see to know the website of Maybank2u.com.my is right or not!!!! Above step that I have done is on the fake website I get and did not do any harm on Maybank2u official website.
I start I did not fall into the trap it is because I do not have a Maybank account and WTF is “TAC” !!!!
It look similar right? One more thing if you are in the original site of Maybank2u if you are at that site for a long period of site it will automatic redirect to http://www.maybank2u.com.my/ as you can see below!!!
Even below their bar “HELP',term and condition and etc all is link back to Maybank2u they are very smart doing so but not smart enough to fool other people! Other than that what to watch out to see if the site is real or not (See Below)
Real Site
Fake Site
Can see different with the URL? If the URL are similar you can see the real site a highlight blue with maybank2u.com.my it means it verify by some other network! When you click the blue thingy it will pop out this
It pop out something like this! This is the best thing to detect if the site is real or not and you can even GOOGLE it would be better too so don’t simply click a link and enter your username and password because possibility you are giving out your confidential details to people without you noticing! Other thing that I notice different of both site is
Real Site
Fake Site
See the different? The red thingy say that log in on the correct Maybank2u site!
You should be careful would be weird email from friend and family say clicking here and there please don’t click it can be a virus or etc. Because lately I have been receiving a lot of that email such as
Whats up? What is suppose to mean obviously what is on top would be the sky or ceiling! What you surf on the WORLD WIDE WEB is none of my business be even you surf porn. Did you say business? Just add none on it would be NONE of MY BUSINESS go rob a bank or something better than sharing stupid stuff especially the cheating stuff.
Are hi at me? Do I know you and what you want to tell me I do not even want to know and you are buying a car is none of my biss wax is your car not my car! If it is so easy to make money I am already the youngest billionaire below 25 same par as Mark Zuckerberg(Founder of Facebook)
So you all learn your lesson? If you receive weird call,SMS or even email just give a call to that person even it is a bank you can verify with them that it is right or not what you are getting. Nowadays all the cheater out there are very convincing whatsoever because you will fall into their trap and after you notice it will be too late to change anything.
8 Lovely Comment:
ive been hit more than twice by these scams. always remember to look at the url and verify that its maybanks. its good that u hi'lighted this, for the sake of others...
I got the email like this last year twice for now. and the funny thing is that is i dont have maybank account at that time lol
i got the email also.. but i just ignore it without knowing it's a fake.. still, thx 4 share... will more alert nxt time..
whoahooo..nice info..thx !!!
hahah nowadays, everything can be copied a look exactly the same
thank for sharing that info!awesome info!
woahh cool. awesome info. Thanx :)
I love jimmyteh90.blogspot.com! Here I always find a lot of helpful information for myself. Thanks you for your work.
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