In Australia the government decided to ban small looking breast female. But looking at it, it is like discrimination to the female race. They are born with that and should appreciate them not ban them. They is still a human being even how small it is.
Australian Classification Board have decided to ban small breast women in the adult section. It also say that it can contribute to child pornography. I am not sure how they set the rules in Australia but it does not make senese small breast child pornography .
Female ejaculation has been banned on the incredible grounds that "the depictions are a form of urination which is banned under the label of 'golden showers' in the Classification Guidelines" and/or "Female ejaculation is an 'abhorrent' depiction." Notably here male ejaculation is completely legal under the same guidelines, attracting an X rating in Australia. According to Geekologie!
Even Women have a small breast that is a FACT don’t really need to hide it. If they really want a BIG breast they can do plastic surgery to make it bigger but they appreciate what they and the Australia body should too not discriminate them. Don’t really what is related with small breast and female ejaculation!
Love Them Not Hate Them Because they have Small tut tut! That what make the World Go Round and Round! Without them the statics show that more Women Have more backache to support their gigantic breast. So Appreciate it!
15 Lovely Comment:
is this true or what? hmm..
Yup it is True! You can Google it!
what do you mean by in adult section?? i didnt get it. this is a very weird news
Yuli@ I think it stating Magazine and Stuff!
that's INSANE! If those who approve this LAW i would curse their Mother/Daughter/Grandaugther/whoever female related cousin or who-soever to have Smallest Breast in the whole world!
ooops....is that harsh ? LOL
Knight@ That a bit Harsh! But even small or BIG it is fact of Life!
Girls with small breast are not suitable to become a porn star. No hard feeling ya.
i guess they are only banning women with small breasts from being involved in the adult films field. as in, women with small breasts will not be allowed to film porn.
they are not banning flat-chested australian women in general, i think.
not that it makes it any better, but i thought i should clear things up.
happy blogging everybody! =D
Jo-Yee@ Ya Like you Said "I Think"
If there is no more 'small' women in porn, I think Aussie men will gonna miss it.
U gotta be kidding me!
Haha. I doubt it will ever work tho.
swt.. got such thing one..?
This is weird..so bad..
araleling@ Got! But they are quite BAD! SMall Breast they born with it not they want one! Love what they have not have them!
wah...there rely so so nice..
from Nikel Khor
What about young girls who develop large(r) breasts fairly early? Is that also not a problem as well? Women and young girls come in shapes of all sizes. Beyond ridiculous. This prohibition is misleading.
There are women opt for breast augmentation in Australia aren't a member of adult industry.
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