In this movie there are a lot of famous actor and actress in it! Will list down everyone that I know! =]

Jessica Alba
Jessica Biel

Bradley Cooper
Eric Dane
Patrick Dempsey
Jamie Foxx

Jennifer Garner
Topher Grace
Anne Hathaway
Ashton Kutcher
Queen Latifah
Taylor Lautner
George Lopez
Emma Robert
Julia Robert
Taylor Swift
This movie is fun to watch and enjoying even you are sing or couple. The movie from start to END you will surely have a GOOD Laugh for example “LET GET NAKED” than I LOVE YOU! The Story line are so juicy and sometimes you will feel touch about the movie and tell you should appreciate your love one and don’t cheat on them. In the movie most of the actor are well known for example Taylor Swift etc.
But don’t worry this movie is interesting enough! Even the movie length is more than enough about 2 hours less without counting the credit. But I tell you it is worth to watch do not have any weaknesses! If you want to add icing in the cake for watching this movie you should bring your girlfriend or boyfriend over to watch with you but if you don’t have any just watch with your friend it is worth to watch it. That All I can say!
5 out of 5! Marvelous Movie. It is my best so far for 2010
I would recommend to people that love funny scene and also bring your BF and GF over to watch it!
I would not recommend to people that hate Valentine Day! Go watch Hello Kitty or something
Picture of the MOVIE
1 Lovely Comment:
i like tis movie pun..
from Nikel Khor
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