Don’t you think it is a good idea? Have you try before. I know what you all are thinking! The guy on the right is a chef from New York strike his mind by using his wife milk to make cheese. Out of his curiosity he make one and surprise how good it is. His name is Daniel Angerer
The idea basically he get it from when his 4 weeks year old daughter have more than enough milk and he was thinking what a waste maybe can use it for something than throw it away. After thinking for a while he decided to use it because her daughter have more than enough milk.
Due to his unique and curiosity he even let his customer in his restaurant to try his masterpiece of the breast milk. Than according to New York Post say that he say it taste like cow milk and it is sweet too. The health department have warn him about offering breast milk to people and he denied it that he did not given a single drop to anyone.
It is not safe to eat or drink breast milk because you will never know the person have AIDS or not. Because AIDS can be pass through breast milk that i have read somewhere. But i know that some people curiosity they will surely try it. Hope it taste as good as the normal milk! Yum Yum!
LOVE IT OR HATE IT! It is God creation you want you try it! No harm trying it maybe it is nicer than cow milk you will never know!
Here is his recipe:
Remember all the picture is from Daniel blog also the recipe! The picture is cheese from a wife breast milk!
Step-by Step
My Spouse’s Mommy Milk Cheese Making Experiment
(basic recipe using 8 cups of any milk - yields about ½ pound cheese)
2 cups mother’s milk
2 cups milk (just about any animal milk will work)
1½-teaspoon yogurt (must be active cultured yogurt)
1/8-tablet rennet (buy from supermarket, usually located in pudding section)
1 teaspoon sea salt such as Baline
1. Inoculate milks by heating (68 degree Fahrenheit) then introduce starter bacteria (active yogurt) then let stand for 6 – 8 hours at room temperature, 68ºF covered with a lid. Bacteria will grow in this way and convert milk sugar (lactose) to lactic acid. You can detect its presence by the tart/sour taste.
2. After inoculating the milk heat to 86 degrees Fahrenheit then add rennet (I use tablets which I dissolve in water) and stir throughout. Cover pot and don’t disturb for an hour until “clean break stage” is achieved, meaning with a clean spoon lift a small piece of curd out of the milk - if it is still soft and gel-like let pot stand for an hour longer. If curds “break clean” cut with a knife into a squares (cut inside the pot a ½-inch cube pattern).
3. Raise temperature slowly continuously stirring with a pastry spatula (this will prevent clumping of cut curd). This is what I call the “ricotta stage” if you like this kind of fresh cheese – here it is. For cheese with a little bit more of texture heat curds to 92 degree Fahrenheit - for soft curd cheese, or as high 102oF for very firm cheese. The heating of the curd makes all the difference in the consistency of the cheese. When heated the curd looks almost like scrambled eggs at this point (curd should be at bottom of pot in whey liquid).
4. Pour curd through a fine strainer (this will separate curd from whey) then transfer into a bowl and add salt and mix with a pastry spatula (this will prevent curd from spoiling). Whey can be drank - it is quite healthy and its protein is very efficiently absorbed into the blood stream making it a sought-after product in shakes for bodybuilders.
5. Give curd shape by lining a container with cheese cloth (allow any excess of cheese cloth to hang over edges of container). Transfer drained, warm curd in the cheese cloth lined container (I used a large plastic quart containers like a large Chinese take- out soup container and cut 4 holes in the bottom with the tip of my knife). Fold excess cheese cloth over top of cheese then weight curd down (with second container filled with water or such) then store in refrigerator (14 hours or so – put container into a second larger container – this will catch draining whey liquid).
6. Take pressed curd out of container (flip container upside-down then unwrap carefully not to damage structure of pressed curd). Rewrap pressed curd with new cheese cloth then age in refrigerator for several weeks (cheese will form a light brown skin around week two – this is normal). Age cheese longer for a more pronounced/sharper cheese flavor.
Remember to try it!
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