For divorce settlement Tiger Woods have been said that he need to pay Elin about 500million. Because you know he is freaking rich it will cost at least half of his fortune. Too bad even what she have sign it is unfair to her because she have been loyal to him for quite same time and betray her.
One of her friend say that Elin is desperate to keep safe of their kids from Tiger Woods sex addict life. It also say that Elin have dig out how much does Tiger Woods worth it cost more than $1Billion. Tiger Woods worry the most is when he is repairing his reputation when he is back to the top and worry that people will use the same news to push him down again.
See the deal! This is how Elin settle the problem. It is not only for her own good but for Tiger too! So that he will think first before he do anything. But i think she don’t really mind about it. Because she have suck a lot of money from Tiger from the divorce and she can use the money for their grandchildren too.
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Thanks! If i have more time i will do so! Just visited
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