You should look they make balloon from the condom that was given free to them!
This picture were taken during the match between Netherland vs Slovakia! It is EPIC

Look it was distributed to people that is outside the stadium! Hoping so that they use it for SEX!
Look at it! It can last for a whole year of stock can make it as a collection. Anyway i heard from people say that sex with condom feel better but wearing condom even you have AIDS you can stop it. That is what i know so far no matter you wear how many it still can go through it is a virus i think. I am not a Science student ok! =]

Wow! The picture will surely attract people to masturbate than doing SEX! Good idea don’t you think so! After this you should see what they do with the free condom was distributed during the match! Don’t laugh ok!

There is one,one,one and one there too! It is damn interesting match i have ever watched with flying condom during the match! Not only you should concentrate on the match but with flying balloon condom! Haha
5 Lovely Comment:
This is the best World Cup Joke ever!
Dewi@ I am happy that you like it! =]
Anyway Nice..Visit mine if u free friend.. Bloody Day!
hhaha! they give free condoms in my uni too!
suhai@ Ok sure sure
Nigel@ my uni did not give! So sad want to blow some balloon
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