Video from episode 1 to 7 are quite interesting because learning about the life of kennySia is enjoying if life travelling all over the world and having most of this time travelling when he reach somewhere he have a little time to sit around but to enjoy the place around him. Learning about his way of life, show that there are pro and cons in life and there are challenge. In life without challenge it will be dull and uninteresting. Love is one thing Enjoying is another type of thing.
I love all about this video because it is funny the way how he comment and his body language. The most funny among all is the part where he give out tips and it is quite funny such as the part when he talk about Window Live Writer by telling jojo if you need help you need to pay. Among all other blogger that are been interview I would love to watch again KennySia. I will be rating from 1 to 4
1. KennySia

2. fourfeetnine

3. redmummy

4. Nicolekiss

About his blog that you will get entertain by his joke. No matter what his post you will have a good laugh of it. Because his blog is interesting it have attracted thousand of people to his blog daily. About his blog it is nice and neat .If you don’t understand what I mean by looking the picture below you would understand what I mean.

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