Ashley Jo Beach was caught having sex with a 13 years old pupil and get sentence from the judge for 20 Years in jail. The judge told her that she is a disgrace to her job and misuse her trust.
The 37 Years Old mother of three have admitted that she have affair of the 13 years old pupil for 4 month already. That student was a class junior in Idaho.
Prosecutor also says that she have groomed the boy to be as a lover since 12 years old. What a disgusting act, if she want to SEX just go find at the side of the road or something than finding innocent young children.
To make the that boys want she given present to win the boys heart like blackmailing. She also admitted that having sex with that boy on a locked classroom. She was caught in the bushes when she was partially undressed with the boy in the bush.
1 Lovely Comment:
No comments mayte. This is plain ABSURD!
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