Date: 16th January 2010
Time: 9:30 to 3:00
Location: Sunway Extreme Park
Picture of some of the people that participate at the EVENT!
Have a Sit and a Popcorn! The Movie about Samsung Corby
Happening going Start Soon!
If you lazy to Read! Just Look at the Picture you Will
Understand What I will be Talking About!
There are 4 activities that we are playing is:
First Activities was Stepping Ballon! Step people ballon and body slam!
2nd was Tug of War in the Water? Weird or Interesting
3rd is Rock Climbing! To be more specific plastic wall climbing
The last was Paintball WAR! You shoot me I shoot you!
Everything are Happening at the EXTREME PARK not at MonKey Park!
Before 9.30 it is still peaceful! The Samsung and Nuffnang Staff are busy preparing sticker,goodies and many more.
The Check in Counter is open at 9.30 sharp! As you can see everybody is lining up so patiently. That is Nuffnang Hospitality I think!
In the Event there are 75 Nuffnanger and 25 is Samsung Fun Club representative! Even didn’t notice them!
Then I was given as Yellow Color Time! Curiously looking around for Yellow Team Clown!
After getting late and late it is getting more pack and pack until become like a sandwich with peanut butter!
You can see 1 escalator with 100 people wanted to get into. Lucky it is not the movie like Final Destination
When we arrive the entrance we was given our Extreme Park Band and Security Check if we bring any type of flammable thing! They taught we going to event to burn down Sunway Lagoon
If you get lost don’t worry there are a SIGN that leading us to the Surf Deck.
At first we arrive and it was like a GHOST TOWN!
We was Given a “Adult” Breakfast Coupon to kill US during the Event we was served
At first I open the bread saw grayish veggies but look closely actually it is the color of the veggies and Soya Milk to make us bloated
When the Commenter announce everybody to line up but he was surprise! In our team we have 2 Top Blogger
Sixthseal as Huai Bin
Fourfeetnine as Audrey! Taller then I unexpected
Then we greet our members! To welcome to the team and make them feel as if they are staying the same JAIL as US
1) Stepping Enemy Balloon!
Then every team should choose 10 people out of 25. Our team was 3rd in this competition. Sadly SixthSeal was body slam by the orange team if i am not mistaken until his face turn red because too much force was given to him. Lucky his poop never came out the same time
Our Group Bean was Busy Tying Ballon on his foot!
We are hearing Instruction and to Start for WAR! Stepping on people balloon –_-
Then we challenge Pink for 3rd and 4th Placing. Our team was so efficient that only 1 ballon explode and for white everything exploded and it was a record time we finish it. Even Liang the Commenter was surprise how fast it ENDED!
See most of the Balloon are still around!
Before I start about Tug of War! Do look at pink and orange team SIZE comparing with our group. But sadly we lose at this because our group weight are not big enough. Mostly our group are small in size
Even Fourfeetnine Aka Audrey joining us too!
Look closely how small in size is our group. Now we are looking for 5 Guys and 5 Girls for the Tug of WAR!
See White Vs White? lol it is actually White Vs Pink!
Our Team are Getting Ready!
Look Closely Even the Girls on the Orange Side are way Bigger than Us!
We are soaking WET!
Our 3rd and 4th Placing we have a bit chance but still loses haha! See audrey laughing! So after this SixthSeal when Home because not feeling well after the body slam at the first contest.
Now we are 1 MAN DOWN!
Posing to the Camera =] Chiak!
Now we are moving to the next location!
3) Rock Climbing
Sunway Lagoon Staff was Getting Ready to put the BALLOON!
Every Team is Getting Ready! But We WON in this because the size of our player are smaller in size not like the TUG of WAR!
This Rock Climbing was to get the most balloon down the most WIN! But after that there was a twist on the rules.
You can climb everywhere you like and who touches the top most WIN!
4) PaintBALL
In a group should make 2 team consist of 5 people. But for GROUP 1 there are better because they have experience before.
Group 2 all are noobies in first around we flew out haha!
Our team is discussing how to shoot and tactic to beat them! We though was going on a Open Field but in a Close Field!
This is just the testing FIELD for Paintball.
Before Going In we should register First before we can start Shooting.
Our shooting Field would be Here! Who Collect the Flag First WIN!
The Marshall are explaining The Rules and Regulation! Does he look handsome?
He said that have 7 years experience in Paint Ball that is Long Enough
The who whatever they called them is getting ready for the bullet!
This is the Yellow Team(Group 2) Getting Ready for WAR kind of look!
Everybody is looking patiently to see who Will WIN!
After the Paint ball END they will announce the Winner Later! Then we Went for our LUNCH
Everybody Lining up for Ice Kacang! Also for the Buffett
Before announcing the Winner we are saying Good Bye to our Members so Sad!
Liang Announcing the Winner:
2nd Place: Yellow with RM 2,500 for the TEAM
Grand Prize: Orange Team wtih 1 Samsung Corby Each! Worht RM699 25X699=RM 17, 475
This is the Group Picture all 100 Participants – 1 SixthSeal= 99 People!
Then we Shouted CORBY! =]
Before The END about the Event wanted to Thank Nuffnang and Samsung for making this event successful! Hope in he future there are more this type of Event! =] Nang Nang Nang
And thank to our Judge too! =] Also the Samsung Marketing Staff! =]
After that the Wrist Band we Get can be use to Play Paintball,Bungee Jump,ATV,Flying Fox, and Archery.
Waiting for our Turn for the ATV!
Disturb her when she want to take her picture with the ATV!
Wanted to Play Flying Fox but waited for so long and the longness more by raining. After that Rain stop when I done with my safety suit for Flying Fox it rain again. Then need to walk all the way Down. But Importantly I enjoy at the event and meeting with people.
THE BEST EVENT I WHEN SO FAR after PC FAIR lolz! Joking Samsung Corby event is the BEST!
Before I END this BLOG POST
I would want to say even the injury I get below it is still worth it to get Injured for this EVENT! Hope to See Samsung Soon! Haha
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