I Agree a bit what are the picture saying when you buy Pirated a Movie it will start straight away without any problem but cheaper. But for buying Original CD it come in bigger size and a lot of stuff to see but you are freaking just want to watch for the movie.
It is like paying them money to advertise in the CD or DVD! I am not supporting Buying Pirated Movie but less the stuff that people do not want to see and put it at the back!
10 Lovely Comment:
so continue pirate movie..keke
from Nikel Khor
LoL... totally agree with that picture.
Nikel@ Shhhh Later Police Catch
Caffery@ Ya pay for advertisement -_-"
Highly agree!
lol nice one!
Haha~ this is interesting! Never of thought of this! XD I thought you can really skip through the trailers!
the picture sums it all up pretty well!
although, because i support pixar and disney, I always buy original disney and Pixar DVDs...
haha agreed!
Pu3@ That one can skip when you clikc it!
Ihsan@ Woo no Privacy for You!
hahahahahaha....quite true...
Nanged! Celcom ads clicked!!
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