There is news in the USA have circulating that they believe the new crown Miss USA is a terrorist. Some people think she is so cute to be a terrorist some say the opposite. Just judge by looking at the picture, someone did it not me haha! I am not the terrorist ok.
People start to feel suspicious when Islamic Terrorist sponsor the Miss USA. As we know Islamic people are protective and but this is different they pay i mean sponsor to let her wear bikini and show some skin. This is not what i say one is according to the news. According to Rima Fakih the Miss USA winner say that their parents celebrate Christmas and also jesus painting in their home.
According to the news Miss USA family members is one the Islamic terrorist that have murdered about 300 Christian and mostly are marine. As you know Miss USA is under Donald Trump but we can’t judge people by their race and color if really Donald Trump wanted to do it, she will be disqualify quite early will not win too.
She is the First Muslim to win Miss USA! A Great opportunity to widen and learn about others.
But 1 thing that i know is that she is freaking hot! Don’t you think she is too hot to be a terrorist. Sometimes female special power is their beauty people will feel soft after seeing it. But she still look hot!
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