I remember the old days when there is a game call South Park that take a chicken and chase people around. Other than that i think i learn my bad word all from South Park and i was lucky i have learn it because not sure who will teach me. Haha Than when i was young in the 90th that i always hear all the bad word like the F word,poop, and about 80 % of the whole show is the F WORD!
But after that i have stop watching the movie ever since. Because do not get in touch about news and how to watch the movie and surely Malaysia will BLOCKED it even it release in Malaysia. Now i was wondering would i continue to watch the movie or just forget about it. This movie is not only bullshitting day and night.
But they have fact in the movie in real life like Facebook stuff you should watch it in youtube just search “ SOuth Park Facebook”! I still remember the worst among all would be catman <<<< not sure it is his real name or not! But i remember he always crack me up with the F Word with every situation is happening.

Long ago it was Cartoon and this trend is over and everybody is watching Korean Drama and movie because most of the movie have hot guys and important hot girls. I only like to watch if the movie is like 007 like James Bond than i will watch especially there is Girls(HOT) SPY! If other show than i would understand why people like to watch so much KOREAN MOVIE OR DRAMA no offence =]
It is like the guy perspective? The GUY is HOT

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