Do you know this guy? Adam Lambert is the runner up winner for American idol if you don’t know. At first i though Adam Lambert was the grand prize winner but he was second and Kris Allen is the winner of American Idol Season 8. Even Adam Lambert is not in my number one list for a singer but no matter what i still love his song that have special taste with pop+rock= AWESOME!!!
Even a runner up winner he has the ability and skill to sing that is why i always said doesn’t mean you are first in the class whatsoever it mean you would get a good job than people that not good in study. Just like the richest people in the world Microsoft and APPLE owner is a dropout from college but they is one of the richest people in the WORLD!!!!
First i would say that i love this style the hair and the clothes that he normally show in TV or Music Video. People say that it is his BAD BOY IMAGE that make him different with other celebrities and so on. But i love his stylist style that nowadays you can’t see much like this anymore. Mostly people that like his style would be GIRLS and for GUYS would be second.
Because some of the people say he is GAY and people hate him. But i don’t care what people say about him even saying me liking ADAM LAMBERT! We should not discriminate anybody it is because they are still human even they are different.
Secondly i would say i love about ADAM LAMBERT would be his singing love his pop+ rock type of song. It just suit my taste perfectly because i love pop and rock it have the feel that give me energy to do something or keep me strong even Jay Sean- 2012 is one of my favorite song that i would hear again and again.
Other than that the latest song that i love would be “IF I HAD YOU”
He is not only talented in his singing but he is good on what he is doing. You can’t deny that he is successfully far more than other celebrities. That is why he climb up the ladder very fast because his song have it own unique and special way of sending a message out to everybody that is why people love his song so much.
I love his song no matter what even people say that it give them a creep after hearing or watching his video. That is not call weird whatsoever it is his own personalities and style just like LADY GAGA even people say her clothes look like out of fashion but importantly she send something that people want to hear that is the same as ADAM LAMBERT!
In this world if everybody is the same than it is not special anymore that is why in this world they is many type of people like short,cute,hair length,attitude,first impression and so on.
Why I Should WIN the TICKET?
Hmmmmm! I should win because i have never went to any concert before in my life it is the truth not creating any sympathy whatsoever and DIGI is giving once in a lifetime for me and everybody out there to watch ADAM LAMBERT LIVE in Malaysia and i wish that i can be one of them to watch him when he arrived to Malaysia at 14 October 2010.
Because i want to feel how when watching a singer LIVE! I think the experience would be different and special on the same time. Have been watching every singer from behind a screen is not so excited as watching a singer LIVE would be better and unique on the same time. Than the ticket would be quite in front so that can see ADAM LAMBERT more clearer without wearing any spectacle or binoculars.
Than lastly would say that everybody surely want to overcome something that they have never experience before and on the first time. It is something like milestone or a goal than we want to achieve. Hope this is the opportunity for me to go to my first ever concert with celebrity(Singer) that i admire his song.
See ADAM LAMBERT is *waving GOOD BYE*!!!
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