Look at that, they trying to use hard object to hit her. But it is unfair 3 vs 1 against that girl. Some more they try to strip the girl naked including her panties. It is insane can’t they discuss peacefully than humiliate someone. Not only that taking video of it but the sad thing that they post in the net with video of the picture that beat her up.
To know more what have happen. Have a look at the video below. Don’t worry it have uncensored the part where it is inappropriate. Even she does a really bad thing you shouldn’t do beat her up or post a video of her naked that have cross the line.
Do drop a comment! How can you overcome this situation when it happen to you! =]
To overcome this problem from my point of view is that you should go out in numbers and try to not be in less crowded places. You should be aware of your surrounding. Good Luck in THAT! Pity Her
5 Lovely Comment:
bully case?dts y it is important to learn self defense not for d rapist bt bully too..nyeh...
Mizarwen@ Ya agree should bring out a GUN to show them lol
fuck the bitches..
it becoz of the girl grab ppls boyfren.but still this was too over..
if i were there,i should help her and kill a three girl there...n my turn to continue rape that girl..ha3...mayb she wont regret it.
Yean@ A bitch slap is ok! But until strip naked -_-
Anonymous@ Relax Coll DOwn!
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