Friday, April 30, 2010

BMW and Audi Advertisement Start All Over Again

Aud vs BMW 

Do you find anything fishy other than BMW advertisement that is freaking big. But let me show you more clearer what i am talking all about.

BMW vs Audi

As you can see the tiny small Audi advertisement Audi they have. But BMW so smart by putting a gigantic banner in front of it so that it look like the Audi ads is so small that it couldn’t see anything. It have been long since BMW and Audi ads war started it was like 1 year ago. Now BMW have climb on top back since their old War.


As you can see on the left it is an Audi advertisement by saying “your move BMW” than BMW buy a billboard by putting the M3 with a word checkmate and for Audi by putting their one and only Audi A4. With BMW respond with Checkmate than Audi responded with


they war will never end. But i would look how Audi respond with BMW putting a super big banner on top of it make Audi advertisement look so tiny. Looking forward of it, if i found anything i will update it asap. For now enjoy the WAR lol!

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