Look at the boat it is going to sink anytime soon! That guy is sitting on the boat and nowhere to go if he jump into the water the shark would eat him alive. I am crying hope he can be safe! Someone please help him out! I BEG YOU
Sometimes in life we we did not except it to happen but it really happen. Hope someone can save him!

Look the other guy have jump into the water and try to search for help! But sadly the shark have eaten him alive. Then only his fishing partner sitting on the boat feeling scared and nowhere to go. Hope some fishing can come and safe him before the boat sink!

Oh my GOD! The boat is sinking deeper and deeper by the minute! I think is not going to make it!

APRIL FOOL! Before 12.00 Actually the boat was build like that! So that it look like it is going to sink but actually it is just floating and it is good to prank coast guard or people that are round.
They should make Titanic 2 When Shark Attack! Nice Title Right! lol
5 Lovely Comment:
LOL. Cool man!
Scary! But Safe lol
wow! this is ingenious!
I oredi knew it would be sometin funny at d end wen i notice d men are all luking so relax on d boat...
Eggyolk@ Haha I dont know what is ingenious
mizarwen@ Haha you saw it too! lol
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